1. NAME

    The name of the group is The Wightlink User Group. Herein after referred to as WUG.

  2. AIM

    WUG is a Community led pressure group which is campaigning to improve Wightlink Ferry Services so that they better meet the needs of, in particular but not exclusively, commuters and those needing to access:

    • healthcare appointments and treatment;

    • educational provision;

    • mainland family members, and

    • social and cultural activities.

    1. To campaign for a better timetable that:
      1. Connects with public transport services in a timely manner – both on the Island and on the mainland

      2. Allows for late night return from and to the island

      3. Gives regular passage from and to the island, without long intervals between crossings from and to Ryde, Fishbourne and Yarmouth.

      4. Does not consider the car ferry from and to Fishbourne as a viable, safe and regular alternative to the Fastcat passenger service from and to Ryde .

    2. To campaign for a fare structure that is affordable for all including:
      1. Improved affordability with monetary discounts for residents on all fares and crossings in addition to those available to multi pass holders.

      2. More availability for “Family and Friends” monetary discounts to Isle of Wight addresses

      3. Provision of an accessible, open and transparent fare structure.

    3. To campaign for better NHS Support including:
      1. Free Fares for all patients who need to access mainland based treatment

      2. Provision of a dedicated telephone line to enable patients with booked medical appointments to book and amend their travel easily and quickly

      3. Free car parking at ferry ports for patients attending medical appointments

      4. Substantial discounts for those accompanying relatives/friends to medical appointments and/or visiting/collecting relatives/friends in or from hospital.

    1. Becoming a supporter of WUG shall be open to all, irrespective of place of residence, nationality, religion or political opinion. The committee reserves the right to review individual supporters participation if their comments and behaviour are not aligned with the aims and objectives of this group. .

    1. The policy and general management of the affairs of WUG shall be directed by the Steering Committee which shall meet regularly and make such decisions as its members consider appropriate for the efficient conduct of the business of WUG.

      The core membership of the committee shall comprise a Chair, Treasurer, and two lead co-ordinators.

    2. The Steering Committee shall have the power to co-opt further temporary members who can assist in the furtherance of WUG objectives eg Persons who have special knowledge or experience to offer to WUG; such members shall be co-opted onto the Steering Committee for specific contribution for as long as deemed necessary.

    3. The Steering Committee may appoint sub-committees, advisory groups or working parties deemed necessary for carrying out its work and may determine their terms of reference, duration and composition. All such sub-committees shall make regular reports on their work to the Steering Committee.


    General Communication to supporters

    1. Updates, agreed by the Steering Committee will be published on the WUG Facebook page and on the WUG website.

      Records of meetings

    2. A written record of meetings shall be kept by the Steering Committee. Any ad hoc sub committees, advisory or working groups shall also submit a written record of their meetings and activities.

      New objectives

    3. The WUG Steering Committee shall have power to adopt and decide new objectives for the group if it deems necessary and shall not be inconsistent with this Constitution.

    1. The Steering Committee shall invite regular subscription/ad hoc donations from Facebook and Website supporters in order to contribute to legitimate expenditure essential to the achievement of the WUG objectives.

    2. All monies raised by or on behalf of WUG shall be applied to further the objectives of the Group and for no other purpose PROVIDED THAT nothing herein contained shall prevent the payment of legitimate out-of-pocket expenses to WUG members engaged upon the approved business of the Group.

    3. The Honorary Treasurer shall keep proper accounts of the finances of WUG and publish an annual report.

    4. The financial year of the Group shall run from 1 April to 31 March.

    5. A bank account shall be opened in the name of WUG with Lloyds Bank Ltd or

    with such other bank as the Steering Committee shall from time to time decide. Two members of the Steering Committee shall authorise in writing any payments made on behalf of the Group.

    1. Any alterations to this Constitution shall receive the agreement of WUG steering committee.

    2. At least 14 clear days notice in writing (via email) setting forth the terms of the proposed alterations shall be sent by the Chair to each member of the WUG Steering Group.

    1. If at any time the Steering Committee decides, on the grounds of expense or otherwise, that it is necessary or advisable to dissolve WUG, then that decision will be communicated to supporters via the website and social media.

    2. Any assets remaining after the satisfaction of any proper debts and liabilities shall be given or transferred to local charities and details communicated to supporters via the website and social media.

    1. The Steering Group members shall be effectually indemnified by the Steering Group out of the assets of the Group from and against any liability, costs, expenses and payments whatsoever, which may be properly incurred or made by them in the exercise of their responsibilities in relation to any legal proceedings, or which otherwise relate directly or indirectly to the performance of the function of a member of the Steering Group.

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